Promontory Point Conservancy Holds the City To Its Preservation Commitment at Promontory Point2/26/2024 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Monday, February 26, 2024 Promontory Point Conservancy Holds the City To Its Preservation Commitment at Promontory Point Promontory Point Conservancy appreciates the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) and the Chicago Park District’s (CPD) public commitment to “taking a preservation-based approach” to new designs and construction at Promontory Point. A genuinely preservation-minded approach at the Point creates an easy win-win for the City of Chicago (City) and the community: the City, CPD, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers get strong storm damage and shoreline protection, while the community continues to enjoy the limestone revetment and the lakeside park it loves so well. The Conservancy and the community will hold these agencies to their promise of creating a plan for genuine preservation. Earlier this week, CDOT issued a statement on behalf of the City about their intentions for the Point and its preservation at the behest of 5th Ward Alderman Desmon Yancy. The Conservancy applauds their commitment to genuine preservation through adhering to the rigorous legal guidelines set by the Secretary of the Interior Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties (SOI standards). Yet, we remain vigilant on behalf of the community. The Conservancy has obtained a recent drawing by CDOT and its preferred contractor, SmithGroup, of a so-called “preservation-based approach” for the Point that, in fact, demolishes the historic limestone revetment, replaces it with concrete, and arranges non-functioning, ornamental limestone blocks in the parkland. (See attached.) This is emphatically not the legal, genuine preservation that the City now says it is committed to carrying out. CDOT and CPD’s public statements commit only to “repurposing”, “saving and reusing as much of the existing limestone as possible,” a commitment that by itself does not meet SOI standards. We are concerned that the City’s commitment goes only as far as to open up a loophole big enough for a fleet of concrete trucks. In early April, the Conservancy will be releasing its own condition study of Promontory Point conducted by McLaren Engineering Group. Already completed in draft form, this study finds that the historic limestone revetment functions right now for adequate storm damage and shoreline protection. This study shows that all but a few dozen limestone blocks can be retained and repositioned. And if repaired and maintained, the historic limestone revetment has another 86- or more years of service Although CDOT publicly states this project is “not even at square one, we’re at square zero”, CDOT has not only issued an RFP for the design study but is already negotiating a full-scope contract. CDOT has not explained why it quietly issued its RFP to prequalified firms in December by task order and selected a contractor with whom it is now negotiating a contract. CDOT had informed the Conservancy that the RFP would be posted on the City’s Procurement Services website: it is not there. They have also declined to answer for the design study’s sky-high $5 million price tag. The Chicago Corps costed a design study of Promontory Point at $450,000. The Conservancy hired its coastal engineers McLaren Engineering Group for a condition study, preservation design planning study and a cost-benefit analysis for $252,000. We applaud the City and officials’ willingness to speak on the project, but the overall lack of transparency and communication to community members is disturbing. We look forward to further dialogue and the release of McLaren’s report, which we are confident will demonstrate viable alternatives for better preserving this local landmark. For written inquiries please contact Promontory Point Conservancy at [email protected].
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The City of Chicago is fully committed to the preservation of Promontory Point, which is designated as an official Chicago landmark, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and is a beloved part of Chicago’s lakefront. The Chicago Department of Transportation and the Chicago Park District, as partners alongside the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in the implementation of the Chicago Shoreline Project, are committed to saving and reusing as much of the existing limestone as possible, as part of a rehabilitation effort that is consistent with the Secretary of Interior Standards for Historic Preservation to protect Promontory Point for future generations.
The project approach to Promontory Point has evolved significantly since what was contemplated twenty years ago. The project partners are fully committed to preserving the Point’s historic nature while protecting it against erosion. The City of Chicago’s 2023 capital bond allocated $5 million to fund the planning and design of the Promontory Point segment of the Shoreline Protection Project on behalf of their project partners, the Chicago Park District, as owners of the property, and the Army Corps of Engineers, federal partners in the Shoreline Project. The City issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) in December for the planning and design work and the procurement process is ongoing, including cost negotiations. We expect the contract to be finalized in the next few months. The awarding of this contract does not finalize any changes at the Point. The study will encompass a broad scope of work over the next few years, including planning, preliminary design, a public engagement process, and the creation of detailed construction drawings and specifications. An extensive public process will be a critical part of this project, providing a platform for community input and collaboration. The Army Corps’ third-party review will complement the study by ensuring compliance with historic preservation and coastal storm risk reduction standards. Coupled together, this process will help ensure the project moves forward with a plan that preserves the limestone and historic character of this important segment of shoreline." — Erica Schroeder, CDOT Received from Marc Monaghan, Hyde Park Herald, [email protected] This coming Friday, February 23, the Chicago Dept. of Transportation (CDOT) plans to sign the contract for the $5m design planning study of the Point and pave the way to demolition of the historic limestone revetment. If this goes through, it is the beginnning of the end of the Promontory Point we all love. Only Mayor Brandon Johnson and Alderman Desmon Yancy can stop this. They will act only if the community insists.
Here's what you can do. Two steps. 1. Cut and paste into the Office of the Mayor's form here. Select COMPLAINTS from the pull down menu. CUT AND PASTE: Dear Mayor Johnson: I am writing to ask how the City (CDOT) can be selecting a contractor for a $5m design planning study of Promontory Point, Burnham Park, when the City faces serious budget shortfalls. The Chicago Division of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers costed this design study at $450,000. And Promontory Point Conservancy hired a large, national, well-respected coastal engineering firm to conduct its own preservation study of Promontory Point for $252,000. Where is the extra $4.5m going for this CDOT study? CDOT will select its contractor this coming Friday, February 23. No one can reasonably endorse a grossly over-priced, over-engineered, overhaul of Promontory Point that ignores community input, the legitimate community preservation plan, the 24-year struggle to Save the Point! and the nearly unanimous community support for preservation. Promontory Point Conservancy’s coastal engineers have completed a Condition Study of Promontory Point and are working on an Alternatives [to concrete] Design Plan for preservation. This Condition Study demonstrates that the historic, 86-year old limestone revetment functions right now, provides good storm damage and shoreline protection, and can be retained and repaired. Yes, the Army Corps and CDOT can destroy the revetment but they don’t have to. There are viable, cost-effective, preservation alternatives to concrete which provide strong storm damage and shoreline protection. A win-win for the City and the community. I am asking that you bring a sense of scale and fiscal responsibility to this project for the City. Please use the power of the Office of Mayor to put a halt to this contract award immediately. Save the Point Again! Sincerely, YOUR NAME AND EMAIL ORGANIZATION: SAVE THE POINT AGAIN! 2. Send Alderman Demon Yancy, 5th Ward, an email: ADDRESSEES' EMAILS: TO: [email protected],[email protected] CC: [email protected],[email protected] CUT AND PASTE: Dear Alderman Yancy: I am writing to ask how the City (CDOT) can be selecting a contractor for a $5m design planning study of Promontory Point, Burnham Park, when the City faces serious budget shortfalls. The Chicago Division of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers costed this design study at $450,000. And Promontory Point Conservancy hired a large, national, well-respected coastal engineering firm to conduct its own preservation study of Promontory Point for $252,000. Where is the extra $4.5m going for this CDOT study? CDOT will select its contractor this coming Friday, February 23. No one can reasonably endorse a grossly over-priced, over-engineered, overhaul of Promontory Point that ignores community input, the legitimate community preservation plan, the 24-year struggle to Save the Point! and the nearly unanimous community support for preservation. Promontory Point Conservancy’s coastal engineers have completed a Condition Study of Promontory Point and are working on an Alternatives [to concrete] Design Plan for preservation. This Condition Study demonstrates that the historic, 86-year old limestone revetment functions right now, provides good storm damage and shoreline protection, and can be retained and repaired. Yes, the Army Corps and CDOT can destroy the revetment but they don’t have to. There are viable, cost-effective, preservation alternatives to concrete which provide strong storm damage and shoreline protection. A win-win for the City and the community. I am asking that you bring a sense of scale and fiscal responsibility to this project for the City. Please use the power of your office to ask Mayor Johnson to halt this contract award immediately. Save the Point Again! Sincerely, [YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS] OR MAKE A PHONE CALL:
The Conservancy learned that the Chicago Dept. of Transportation (CDOT) issued its Request for Proposal (RFP) for the $5m design planning study of Promontory Point in December to prequalified firms clandestinely. We know that several highly qualified preservation architectural/engineering firms were omitted from CDOT's prequalified list. The deadline for receipt of proposals closed on January 26, and CDOT will select a contractor on February 26. We have FOIA'd for the RFP and the list of prequalified firms. We have also reached out to Alderman Yancy (5th Ward) to find out about his recent meetings with the Chicago Division of the US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), Chicago Park District (CPD) and CDOT about this RFP and about recently announced community meetings for the construction at Morgan Shoal. (See flyer below.)
The Corps, CPD and CDOT are hosting a community meeting about the construction at Morgan Shoal on February 22, 5:30-6:30pm, Kennicott Park, 4434 South Lake Park Blvd. What CDOT and the Corps propose at Morgan Shoal will be a predictor for what they propose for Promontory Point later this year. Promontory Point and Morgan Shoal are funded for revetment reconstruction under a joint congressional funding authorization passed in December 2022. Community meetings for Promontory Point will probably begin late spring/early summer this year. Construction at Promontory Point will begin the moment construction at Morgan Shoal is completed in spring 2026. The proposed construction will close the Point for 3-5 years. The beginning of the community meetings by the governmental agencies means that it's now up to us to show up and advocate for what we want for our lakefront parks. Remember, when they ask you if you want pink or blue concrete, say "NO CONCRETE!" |
January 2025
AuthorDebra Hammond is currently an officer of Promontory Point Conservancy. She has always been tall for her age |